Prescriber Podcasts

TRC Healthcare offers access to multiple free podcasts to help healthcare professionals keep up with current topics affecting medication therapy, practice, and patient care. Plus, for some shows, subscribers can earn convenient CE credit just for listening and passing a short quiz!

Medication Talk

  • What: TRC editors Sara Klockars and Stephen Small lead lively discussions about practice-changing updates with prestigious special guests and advisory board panelists.
  • When: New episodes released monthly
  • How to claim CE: All episodes offer CE credit to subscribers for 2 years after the episode release date, starting with the Sept 2023 release. Go to the CE/CME & Training platform and search “podcast” to find available courses.

Rumor vs Truth

  • What: TRC editors Stephen Small and Don Weinberger dissect the evidence behind risky rumors and reveal clinical truths… helping pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, prescribers, and even patients navigate some of the claims they might hear about medication therapy.
  • When: New episodes released on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
  • Where: Find the video version on YouTube
  • How to claim CE: Not currently available

Clinical Capsules

  • What: TRC editors break down the most impactful clinical developments - giving you clear, actionable takeaways in just minutes.
  • When: New episodes released on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
  • How to claim CE: Not currently available